
09 June, 2009

Tuesday Morning in the "Real World"

Coffee, itunes, and thank you cards. The real world is magical so far. It's raining (that's a good omen for weddings), a job interview at a local gourmet coffee/chocolate shop, and a day that will hopefully have at least one nap and one afternoon walk with my mom.

It's amazing the amount of pride I felt for simply waking up before 9:30am today. I even got congratulated on it! I hope people are this supportive for life, and that it's not just the first week of adulthood kind of thing (but I have a sinking suspicion this may not be so.)

The entirety of my life is in my parent's garage. My room is pretty barren, as I haven't had the heart to move in yet, because that makes it more real than it already is. Even my journal is packed. Life is pretty surreal. But, in the "real world", there is hdtv, two-ply toilet paper, and a clean and packed fridge. Things could be worse.

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