
24 November, 2009

A Cat Call Needing A Response

Since I've moved to the city, I've dealt with the usual amount of attention from male strangers, at least as much as any other 20something female. But this situation was different because my internship starts at 8am- This guy was out cat-calling people under the bright light of the sun. I was also wearing what I previously had considered a cat-call-proof outfit: khaki pants which flatter no woman, and a comfy dirty sweatshirt over a man-size green aquarium polo with sneakers. Not exactly the definition of sexy. In the course of my internship I get sprayed with salt water, protein from filters, and dead animal parts. I'm not going to wear anything nice.

So while on my way to my internship at the Aquarium last week I was talking on my cell phone, as most everyone else in this city does on their commute to and from work. I had just passed the restaurant I used to work for which meant I was a 4 minutes walk away from the Aquarium. That's when I noticed a guy standing on the corner yelling at people. Loudly. This scenario is a normal part of any person's commute. My usual plan of attack is to avoid, avoid, avoid, and so I crossed the street.

Because this guy either noticed that I was clearly distancing myself (or he just is in a habit of yelling at every female that walks by) he followed me and crossed the street too, at which point he yelled after me, "Why you calling me baby? I'm right here!"

Yep, there you are.

I am not one to normally respond to cat calls, but I would love to be able to come up with something for this one. As it was, I turned around, smiled, and kept on my merry way. Not exactly the Hail Mary of Cat Call Responses, but you've got to acknowledge a cat call that seems to defy any clever response.

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