
25 November, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, from PETA

PETA is a terrible organization. They are loud, they are obnoxious, and they overdramatize their cause in a way that often repels people instead of converting them. Here's their newest propaganda just in time for Thanksgiving, where a cute little girl asks to say grace before her family sits down to eat dinner at the Thanksgiving meal.

Ugh. The "...and thank you for rainbows" comment is such an afterthought to try to make her sound young and innocent and perhaps take away the "sting" of the harsh realities that turkeys endure in our country. Yes, the meat industry in America is admittedly very bad, even in however many decades after The Jungle was written. (side note: ew.) PETA added the whole part about "the mean people who stomp on the little turkey heads" line in to really tug at the carnivorous heart strings. But the real effect? After watching this commercial, I sort of want to eat meat just to spite them. And I've been a vegetarian for over two years. So, objective not accomplished, PETA.

But seriously y'all- tofurkey is delicious. You should try some. Happy Thanksgiving!

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